Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hello my Royal Subjects!!!!

Hello my Royal Subjects!!!! It is I the King!!!  Ok not really.  It is just little ole me.  I am Dad of three beautiful little girls.  I am also the husband of my beautiful bride of almost twelve years now.  I am not really a king at all.  Just sounded kind of good as an attention grabber.  I am not a professional blogger, nor am I full of insightful information.  I am just your normal everyday kind of guy.  I am a career man for eight hours a day and then I come home and am a dad the rest of the time.  I knew my wife was really into this blogging thing and that it meant a lot to her so I figured I would give it a shot.  My blog will not be full of how to do's or advice.  It will be whatever I am feeling at the time I sit down to write it.  It might be about my kids.  It might be about my wife.  It might be about barbeque.  Whatever the topic is I will attempt to make it a good read.  Good enough to take your computer with you into the bathroom to keep on reading.  Well that's all for now.  The house is starting to smell like estrogen with all my little ladies waking up.  Well until next time my subjects.

I would like to close with a line my high school football coach used to tell us all the time.  "Today is the first day of the rest of your life".  Get out there and get living.  Kings orders.